Thursday, May 23, 2013


‘Khelaghar …
baadhtey legechhi
amaar moner bhitorey’

My relation with God is the same as the one I share with my beloved daughter. One moment I am yelling at her for not listening to me, the next, I am totally running after her for a hug. In fact, there have been times, when God and I were living in separation, or so I believed. I often, lost faith in his love for me, completely, and he, true to his nature, chose silence and time to guide me back to him.

Yes, we all share some kind of a relation with our God. I do not believe that God must have a name, an image, a gender, or a religion, but if any of these helps you to stay grounded to faith, there could be nothing more real. Nothing more honest. Nothing more triumphant.

God to me is just that - God. He is the light at the end of the tunnel, the subtle relief when all the tears are spent. A super handy first-aid that’s ready to cure, even before the wound sets in. Yes he does that for all of us, only that we, lesser mortals ‘get it’ much later.  

I have, and I am sure even you must have wondered, if God exists, then why this continual bloodshed, terror, disease, slaughter, rape – why so much pain all around us and even within us? Why is the world shedding tears everyday at incidents and accidents beyond its control? Why do people on a pilgrimage lose their lives? If god is all-loving and all-forgiving, would he subject man to so much?

Questions, that leave us lost, skeptical, spiritually hollow, and above all, shattered. I am not here to propagate the existence of God, just intend to share what I feel, after having faced quite a lot, as you may already know.

In the last two years, I prayed every second for my husband’s life. Every second. I have done things I never really believed would, or could, actually accentuate the quality of my prayers, but nevertheless, did them with all my heart. For him.

For, at that time, all that mattered to me was his life, his relief from physical and emotional suffering. I prayed, begged, cried, howled before my God. In fact, I remember one particular evening, a few days before he left. I was standing at this temple, and pleading God to help him, save him. Remember telling him, ‘You are the only one who can make miracles happen. So please make it happen. Just once.’

I was so sure things will work. Medicines will work. Prayers will work. Faith will work. They didn’t. He left. In a week.

And I was left, godless. Or was I? Well...

I have not yet reached that level of spiritual maturity where I can perfectly justify his leaving. But yes, there is more to what happens, than meets the eye. The mortal eye. The other day I was reading a beautiful article on why we die, when we die? Why do small children lose their lives? Why are children born with terminal illnesses? If they had to leave so early, why did God bring them here? And the answer is, not just life, even death has a purpose. A grander one maybe. One for the ones left behind. One that we will learn as time passes. Or maybe we won’t. But that is irrelevant in the larger, galactic scheme of things. 

Yes, a grander purpose. If we are born as humans, who can think, work, dream, plan, sleep, and then, wake up and face the sunshine, there is a purpose. It can’t all be futile and meaningless. The only difficult part to accept is that, one day, this journey, which we assume is forever, will end. The itinerary is set and has preordained time-limits for each one of us. And once our time is up, we have to say bye. And begin a new journey. I wish to believe.

Not all questions have straight answers. And there are answers that give birth to some more, tougher questions. I, personally feel, he was here to share some dreams with me, some that we fulfilled together, and some more that he left me with, to fulfill on his behalf. And one of them is, to add a drop of life, to each moment. So that, when my time is up and I am all set to leave, I am left with no regrets of not having drunk ‘life to the lees’.

God exists for me. He is the force, the energy, the will, that takes me forward, step by step. He resides in me. He waters the roots of my soul. Helps me soak in the sun, the rain, and all the good things I need, to grow. 

If you are still reading this post, and at any point, have you felt a lump in your throat, or nodded in agreement to my questions on whether he is around, or simply wished you could just give me a hug for still hanging in there, and fighting, be rest assured, God exists. In you.

For me.


  1. I love u and loved ur spitit alwayz..... I love ur strength n ur faith..... U r a real woman..... Tor moton oto bhalo likhte parina but m proud 2 have u as a frnd in my life

    1. love u too lady. u have always been thr and i know exactly who my friends are because of friends like you. honestly, five months back i was close to dead. what would i do without ur constant support? as i wrote, god comes to me thru friends like you.

      do keep reading my posts and of course, god bless.

  2. your writing is soul stirring -__- keep up the good work!!

    1. thank you so much for reading my post. if i could reach your soul, it was definitely worth it. do keep visiting my blog. stay well.

  3. Very interesting read , while there maybe debate on His existence , the power of acceptance is what keeps one going. Life's really a "Khelagar" so you never know what breaks when. One can only try his best to hold things together and when it breaks trying to accept is the best one can do.

    keep blogging , reading was a pleasure.

  4. thanks suchibrata, yes life is just a castle made of sand and not always strong enough to fight the onslaughts of fate. reminds me always of the play, 'riders to the sea'. which talks about stoic acceptance of whatever happens. as it is, nothing, i repeat nothing is forever. thank you so much for your response. do come back. :)

  5. Part-I: Dear Friend, Just I couldn't restrict myself from sharing some of my realizations . Forgive me if it sounds worthless to you. First of all one should first believe and then realize that the almighty God is not anything far and dwelling outside .or just sitting inside temples , churches or Ashrams or Masjids .It is everywhere . and most prominently it is deep inside the human soul , as you have rightly pointed out in the concluding part of your post.

    And also you shouldnt believe just like that .You must search for proof. But the problem is that most of us are searching for the proof of the existence of an infinite , absolute unchangeable truth . How it is possible to prove it by the external , inert nature surrounding us .how it is possible to prove the existence of unchangeable through the changeable , temporary things around to prove the absolute energy with the help of our 5 sensory organs. The only way is to look deep into ur own mind.
    Yes, deep inside ur own soul. Ur sensory organs are the viewer of the external world. Your mind is the viewer of ur sensory organs. Ur soul is the viewr of ur mind. and that is unchangeable . and only that is unchangeable....that will never die because that was never born . Just believe that and start the process of proving that by sincere meditation . That is the highest and the ultimate way of spiritual awakening.

    Worshippping inert idols , practicing rituals are just to begin with.just to hold ur mind to some object.just to make ur mind concentrated .but that is just the beginning. ultimatley everyone has to come to the path of meditation and mind concentration of the highest level. Now, coming to ur other points about the mystery of life & Death . and also about the sufferings of Mankind. Let me share my realizations if u dont mind.

  6. Part-II: First of all , as per my realization. Difference between Life and death are just in the type of Manifestation . NOthing is lost after the death. It is just the mortal Body is separated from the immortal soul. Now, the domain of the formless soul and the the domain of human vision are in two different planes. Therefore we are unable to feel the existence of formless souls around us by our sensory organs. For example , human ear can not hear the sounds beyond the range of 20 - 20,000 Decibel. But , then what happens to the sounds beyond that range? should we say that those sounds doesn't exist as because we can not hear them ????? . So is the case for the formless souls. Everything is here only, but in different Planes. different levels of frequency of vibration. Because life is nothing but some vibrations. There is nothing like Heaven or Hell. No one is there who will punish us for our sins or reward us for our good deeds. These all are controlled by the Law of KARMA. Karma is the summation of all the thoughts , works , desires a person has in his whole life. It all depend upon how a person think , how a person work , what a person aspires etc . These all as a resultant compose the shape of the next life. Life is nothing but a Training centre. Slowly but undoubtedly the eternal soul is manifested more and more through life after life ....and at the end it is manifested completely ...which is the complete awakening of the soul ...when the requirement of taking birth in this materialistic ceases and the 'MOksha' is attained. LIke it was in case of Gautama Buddha , or Jesus Christ , or Shri RamaKrishna ....but it requires thousands and thousands of births and trainings through different experiences of life . The same Almighty is there inside a Dog and inside a Spiritually awakened person. But the difference is only in the degree of Manifestation. The Law of Evolution stated by Darwin is incomplete and incapabale of explaining many things of life and creation untill we accept the theory of gradual awakening of soul also from the Amoeba to today's intelligent Human being. Just the evolution of organs cannot create
    the HUman beings like Einstine , Newton , Buddha , Vivekananda , Stiffen Kawkings etc etc etc. The same eternal soul is in every creature which is gradually awakened life after life.

    And regarding sufferings....well , the main cause of all the sufferings are we are completely unaware of 'Who am I?' mistake we think it is the body , or the mind or the personality or a combination of all of those. But the truth is we are neither body or mind ..but the soul...and the that is the only absolute truth . And the same soul is there as 'Chaitanya' (consciousness) inside the heart of every living being. That is the God. We all must feel and have knowldge about that infinite consciousness within us. And we must know that all the sufferings , happiness of this world are just nothing but some illusions ....just like a loooong long dream .....nothing actually exists....Only we are gaining some experiences though new and new vibrations and gradually going towards the complete awakening of the soul...and gradually going to be dissolved into the infinite bliss and peace ...the permanent happiness .the All MIghty . Yes, we all are going towards that ultimate knowingly or unknowingly.But offcourse, we can feel all of these and get all the answer within us by sincere and disciplined practice of spiritual meditation. and by no other means.
